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Table 1 Laboratory data

From: Acute multiple brain infarctions associated with Streptococcus suis infection: a case report



Normal range of value

Blood test results


 White blood cell


16.27 × 109/L

(3.5-9.5) × 109/L

 Neutrophil ratio



 Neutrophil count

14.77 × 109/L

(1.8-6.3) × 109/L


141 g/L

(130-175) g/L

 Platelet count

128 × 109/L

(125-350) × 109/L


107 µmol/L

(59-104) µmol/L

 Serum procalcitonin

32 ng/mL

(0-0.05) ng/mL

 Lactic acid

10.2 mmol/L

(0.5-1.7) mmol/L


21.3 mmol/L

(3.9-6.1) mmol/L


5.24 mmol/L

(3.6-5.2) mmol/L


2.59 mmol/L

(0.45-1.81) mmol/L 



2.82 mmol/L

(2.7-3.1) mmol/L


22 U/L

(15-40) U/L


24 U/L

(9-50) U/L

 Blood culture

S. Suis serotype 2


CSF analysis



1.4 mmol/L

(2.5-4.5) mmol/L


1.46 g/L

(0-0.45) g/L


101 mmol/L

(120-132) mmol/L

 White blood cell


4400 × 106/L

(0-5) × 106/L


330 mmH2O

(80-180) mmH2O

 CSF culture

S. Suis serotype 2


  1. AST, Aspartateaminotransferase; ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; S. Suis, Streptococcus suis; CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid