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Table 2 Treatment outcomes among people with difficult-to-treat HIV compared with non-difficult

From: Difficult-to-treat HIV in Sweden: a cross-sectional study


Difficult-to-treat HIV

Non-difficult-to-treat HIV

Odds ratio (95% CI)

Adjusted odds ratioa (95% CI)

Viral suppression < 50 copies/mL (n = 8136)

653 (84%)

6991 (95%)

0.29 (0.23-0.36)

0.28 (0.22-0.35)

Satisfied with physical health (n = 4121)

212 (55%)

2367 (63%)

0.70 (0.56-0.86)

0.74 (0.60-0.92)

Satisfied with psychological health (n = 4116)

247 (64%)

2473 (66%)

0.89 (0.72-1.1)

0.88 (0.71-1.1)

  1. People starting ART < 6 months ago are excluded from this analysis. Viral suppression is assessed in participants with a recorded HIV RNA during the last 12 months. Physical and psychological health was compared in a subset that completed the health questionnaire sometime during the last 24 months
  2. Abbreviation: CI Confidence interval
  3. aAdjusted for sex, age, and risk group