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Table 1 Distribution of socio-demographic and health characteristics of the study population, N = 2,489

From: Prevalence of vaccine-derived hepatitis B surface antibodies in children and adolescents in Germany: results from a population-based survey, 2014–2017


n (%)



1,226 (49)


1,263 (51)

Age group (years)


525 (21)


613 (25)


619 (25)


732 (29)

Geographical place of living

 Eastern Germany (incl. Berlin)

893 (36)


1,596 (64)

Socio-economic status

 Low (1st Quintile)

357 (14)

 Middle (2nd Quintile)

483 (19)

 Middle (3rd Quintile)

465 (19)

 Middle (4th Quintile)

546 (22)

 High (5th Quintile)

581 (23)


57 (2.3)

Migration status


1,908 (77)

 One-sided (one parent born abroad or no German citizenship)

212 (8.5)

 Two-sided (both parents born abroad or no German citizenship)a

324 (13)


45 (1.8)

Type of vaccine


588 (24)


1,901 (76)


409 (16)

  Infanrix Hexa

1,401 (56)

  1. aMigration status is also considered two-sided if the child and at least one parent are born abroad or do not have German citizenship
  2. b91 participants received a polyvalent vaccine but the type, whether Hexavac or Infanrix Hexa, was unknown