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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of malaria patients and healthy controls. The means of selected parameters were compared in three groups using the ANOVA test (P valuea) or in two groups, SM and UM using the Student test (P valueb). Values were statistically significant when p < 0.05

From: An elevated level of interleukin-17A in a Senegalese malaria cohort is associated with rs8193038 IL-17A genetic variant


CTR (n = 48)

UM (n = 54)

SM (n = 71)

P valuea

P valueb

Age, (M ± SD, year)

30.54 (16.14)

13.72 (17.56)

20.76 (20.17)

P < 0.0001


Gender, (%)


21 (43.75)

19 (35.20)

37 (52.11)



27 (56.25)

31 (57.40)

31 (43.67)


Hb (M ± SD, g/dl)

12.95 (1.930)

12.49 (2.855)

8.631 (3.150)

P < 0.0001

P < 0.0001

Hematocrit (M ± SD, %)

38.76 (5.762)

37.65 (8.382)

25.22 (9.631)

P < 0.0001

P < 0.0001

MCV (M ± SD, fL)

83.25 (5.687)

88.60 (12.90)

79.14 (13.25)

P = 0.0009

P = 0.007

RBCs (M ± SD, × 106/µL)

4.699 (0.632)

4.145 (0.796)

3.149 (1.162)

P < 0.0001

P < 0.0001

MCHC (M ± SD, pg/cell)

33.60 (0.626)

33.74 (3.159)

33.33 (1.536)

P = 0.6685

P = 0.289

Leucocyte (M ± SD, × 103/µL)

5.933 (2.405)

8.217 (4.351)

12.40 (6.952)

P < 0.0001

P = 0.0008

Neutrophil (M ± SD, %)

43.71 (10.64)

59.95 (15.36)

54.05 (25.60)

P = 0.0068

P = 0.766

Lymphocyte (M ± SD, %)

43.21 (10.89)

29.27 (13.13)

22.86 (17.03)

P < 0.0001

P = 0.538

Monocyte (M ± SD, %)

7.970 (2.887)

7.312 (5.597)

6.662 (4.691)

P = 0.5191

P = 0.663

Eosinophil (M ± SD, %)

4.210 (3.829)

3.2 (2,815)

0.461 (0.451)

P < 0.0001

P = 0.0002

Basophil (M ± SD, %)

0.8925 (0.558)

0.717 (0.575)

0.6858 (0.729)

P = 0.3369

P = 0.239

  1. M ± SD mean ± Standard Deviation, CTR Control, UM Uncomplicated Malaria, SM Severe Malaria, Hb Hemoglobin, MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume, RBCs Red Blood Cells, MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration