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Table 3 Pathogens in patients with polymicrobial bloodstream infections

From: Polymicrobial bloodstream infections per se do not increase mortality compared to monomicrobial bloodstream infections in sepsis patients: a Korean nationwide sepsis cohort study


Polymicrobial bloodstream infections (n = 429)

Appropriate use of antibiotics

All gram-negative bacteria, n(%)

183 (42.7)

153 (83.6)

All gram-positive bacteria, n(%)

34 (7.9)

30 (88.2)

Gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria mixed, n(%)

193 (45.0)

145 (75.1%)

2 types of fungemia, n(%)

2 (0.5)

2 (100%)

Gram-negative bacteria, fungemia mixed, n(%)

8 (1.9)

5 (62.5)

Gram-positive bacteria, fungemia mixed, n(%)

8 (1.9)

7 (87.5)

Gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and fungemia mixed

1 (0.2)

1 (100%)

Two pathogens identified, n(%)

356 (83.0)

288 (80.9)

Three pathogens identified, n(%)

60 (14.0)

48 (80)

Four pathogens identified, n(%)

13 (3.0)

7 (53.8)

MDR pathogen identified, n(%)

200 (46.6)

133 (66.5)

Mixed type of infection

210 (49.0)

158 (75.2%)

  1. MDR Multidrug resistant