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Table 2 PEP +  + regimen dosage by age group

From: The PEP++ study protocol: a cluster-randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of an enhanced regimen of post-exposure prophylaxis for close contacts of persons affected by leprosy to prevent disease transmission


PEP++ regimena


 ≥ 15 years

600 mg RMP + 500 mg CLR

600 mg RMP

13–14 years

450 mg RMP + 500 mg CLR

450 mg RMP

10–12 years

450 mg RMP + 450 mg CLRb

450 mg RMP

6–9 years

300 mg RMP + 300 mg CLRb

300 mg RMP

2–5 years

150 mg RMPb + 150 mg CLRb

150 mg RMPb

  1. aA four-weekly dose at day 1, 29 and 57 with four-week tolerance (up to 56 days between doses)
  2. bml equivalent in paediatric suspension or capsules, depending on availability