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Table 3 Diagnostic accuracy of Truenat assay compared different bacteriological tests as reference comparator

From: Performance evaluation of Truenat MTB and Truenat MTB-RIF DX assays in comparison to gene XPERT MTB/RIF ultra for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Uganda

Reference comparator (N)


n/N (%, 95%CI)


n/N (%, 95%CI)


n/N (%, 95%CI)


n/N (%, 95%CI)

GeneXpert Ultra

66/82 (80.5, 70.2–88.4)

156/159 (98.1, 94.5–99.6)

66/69 (95.6,87.8–99.1)

156/172 (90.7, 85.3–94.6)

LJ Culture

50/64 (89.3, 66.0-87.4)

166/180 (92.2, 87.2–95.6)

50/64(78.1, 66.0-87.4)

166/172 (96.5, 93.5–98.7)

MGIT culture

58/71 (81.7, 70.7–89.8)

131/138 (94.9, 89.8–97.9)

58/65 (89.2,79.0-95.5)

131/144 (91.0, 85.0-95.1)

LJ and/or MGIT

59/73 (80.8, 69.9–89.1)

159/169 (94.1, 89.3–97.1)

59/69 (85.5, 74.9–92.8)

159/173 (91.9, 86.7–95.5)

  1. LJ= Lowenstein Jensen, MGIT= Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube, CI = Confidence Interval, % percentage, PPV=Positive Predictive Value, NP = Negative Predictive Value