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Table 4 Barriers to data sharing

From: Six dilemmas for stakeholders inherently affecting data sharing during a zoonotic (re-)emerging infectious disease outbreak response

Barriers that hampered or delayed data sharing during the MERS epidemic

1. Suboptimal One Health collaboration between public health and animal health stakeholders

2. Suboptimal collaboration between public health and lab research partners

3. Difficulties in local collection, handling and processing of samples and data

4. Delays in formal notification of human cases – including associated clinical and epidemiological data – and infected animals with MERS-CoV

5. Delayed formal clearance to access and share (sensitive) data

6. Difficulties to timely ship and import samples potentially containing infectious material

7. Prioritization of scientific publications over sharing of data relevant for outbreak investigation and response

8. Establishing and adhering to ownership agreements delay and limit sharing of data