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Table 3 Summary characteristics of Antibodies to Nucleocapsid protein (anti-N) during first re-infection events occurring during the observation window (n = 118 of n = 129 re-infection events overall), by identification method, vs. a randomly selected interview following incident infection and without evidence of re-infection (n = 200)

From: Enhancing detection of SARS-CoV-2 re-infections using longitudinal sero-monitoring: demonstration of a methodology in a cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, Canada


Random interview without evidence of re-infection (N = 200)

First re-infection event

Identified through longitudinal serology only (N = 90)

Identified through testing (N = 28)

Anti-N RRain previous interview

Mean (SD) RR

1.06 (1.08)

0.70 (0.74)

0.64 (0.85)

Median (IQR) RR

0.64 (0.39–1.57)

0.40 (0.24–0.84)

0.45 (0.13–0.69)

Anti-N RRaduring interview

Mean (SD) RR

0.9 (0.92)

2.32* (1.39)

1.81 (1.61)

Median (IQR) RR

0.56 (0.3–1.17)

2.31* (0.94–3.49*)

1.23 (0.40–3.31*)

Differencebin anti-N RRabetween interviews

Mean (SD) RR

-0.19 (0.88)

1.62 (1.21)

1.16 (1.60)

Median (IQR) RR

-0.14 (-0.44–0.03)

1.29 (0.48–2.79*)

0.58 (-0.08–2.67*)

Ratiocin anti-N RRabetween interviews

Mean (SD) RR

1.45 (3.74)

6.21 (6.89)

5.93 (8.19)

Median (IQR) RR

0.79 (0.57–1.12)

3.64 (1.99–7.18)

3.17 (0.86–6.62)

Days between infections

Mean (SD)


322.82 (147.50)

360.97 (142.10)

Median (IQR)


315.94 (209.40–414.00)

338.57 (280.30–448.00)

  1. Anti-N = Antibodies to Nucleocapsid protein; RR = Relative Ratio; IQR = Interquartile Range
  2. aAnti-N relative ratios are derived from the blood sample (plasma or dried blood spot) ELISA, primary dilution (1:160 (0.0625µL/well) only
  3. bDifference in anti-N RR represents [anti-N RR at selected interview– anti-N RR at immediately preceding interview]
  4. cRatio in anti-N RR represents [anti-N RR at selected interview / anti-N RR at immediately preceding interview]
  5. *Value is outline of the linear range of the assay: results are thus likely an underestimate of true levels