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Table 4 Posterior odds ratios (ORs) and 95% Bayesian credible intervals (BCIs) estimated by multivariate geostatistical logistic regression models fitted to MIS 2014 and 2017/2018 data from Burkina Faso

From: Relative effects of climate factors and malaria control interventions on changes of parasitaemia risk in Burkina Faso from 2014 to 2017/2018


MIS 2014

OR (95% BCI)

MIS 2017/2018

OR (95% BCI)

LST night

0.72 (0.64–0.93)a

0.89 (0.81–0.96)a

Night light

0.47 (0.38–0.59)a

0.49 (0.37–0.64)a

Distance to permanent water body

0.83 (0.72–0.94)a

0.71 (0.57–0.85)a


 [201–307 m]

 [307–545 m]


0.72 (0.51–0.96)a


Proportion of households with at least one ITN for every two people (ITN ownership)

1.06 (0.24–1.48)

1.04 (0.86–1.20)

Proportion of children who slept under ITN (ITN use)


0.82 (0.70–0.96)a



1.22 (0.93–1.40)

Spatial parameters


Spatial variance

0.41 (0.19–0.71)

0.32 (0.15–0.61)

Non spatial variance

0.31 (0.16–0.49)

0.29 (0.14–0.48)

Range (km)

129.4 (57.1-367.5)

303.7 (189.2-371.1)

  1. a Statistically important effect, * The cutoff is based on the tertiles of the distribution of altitude at the surveys locations, range is minimum distance at which the spatial correlation in no longer or less than 5%, ITN: insecticide-treated net, ACT: artemisinin-based combination therapy, LST: land surface temperature