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Table 2 Survey information, climatic factors and malaria intervention coverage in 2014 and 2017/2018 in Burkina Faso

From: Relative effects of climate factors and malaria control interventions on changes of parasitaemia risk in Burkina Faso from 2014 to 2017/2018


MIS 2014 (n, %, 95% CI)

MIS 2017 /2018 (n, %, 95% CI)

Number of clusters



Number of households



Number of children under the age of 5 years



Parasitaemia prevalence



Malaria interventions

ITN ownership

Households with at least one ITN

89.9% (88.7–91.0%)

75.1% (73.3–77.0%)

Households with at least one ITN for every two people

47.7% (46.0-49.3%)

31.7% (30.0-33.4%)

Population with access to an ITN in their household

75.4% (74.1–76.7%)

58.4% (56.6–60.1%)

ITN use

Population that slept under an ITN the previous night

67.4% (66.0–69.0%)

44.7% (43.0-46.5%)

Children under 5 years old who slept under an ITN

75.5% (73.8–77.3%)

55.1% (52.7–57.5%)

Proportion of existing ITNs used the previous night

86.1% (85.0-87.3%)

77.4% (75.6–79.0%)

Case management

Children with fever treated with ACT

15.2% (13.0-17.3%)

43.6% (39.5–47.6%)

Household sprayed in the past months

0.5% (0.2–0.8%)


Households with at least one ITN and/or IRS in the past 12 months

89.7% (88.5–91.0%)

75.0% (73.0–77.0%)

Climatic factors

LST night1

21.3 (21.2–21.4)

22.0 (21.7–22.0)

LST day1

35.5 (35.3–35.7)

35.9 (35.7–36.2)


72.6 (70.4–74.8)

63.77 (62.6–65.0)

Night light1

6.59 (4.4–8.7)

7.00 (4.8–9.1)


309 0.0 (303.9–314.0)

309.5 (304.0-315.0)

Distance to permanent water1

46.7 (45.7–47.7)

118.0 (110.0-126.5)

Crop coverage1

0.44 (0.34–0.54)

0.43 (0.23–0.62)

  1. 1annual average, Abbreviations: ITN, insecticide-treated net, ACT, artemisinin-based combination therapy; LST, land surface temperature; MIS: Malaria Indicator Survey