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Table 1 An overview of clinical data in inpatients with pneumonia (n = 38,870)

From: Hospitalization, case fatality, comorbidities, and isolated pathogens of adult inpatients with pneumonia from 2013 to 2022: a real-world study in Guangzhou, China


Value, n (%) or median (Q25, Q75)



 Respiratory medicine

31,219 (80)

 Other internal medicine

5731 (15)


1920 (5)




11,846 (30)


27,024 (70)

Age (year)

64 (53, 73)

BMI (kg/m2)

21.6 (19.0, 24.2)

Smoking history


 Never smoker

25,254 (65)

 Ever smoker

6797 (17)

 Current smoker

6819 (18)

Glucocorticoid use during hospitalization



22,442 (58)


16,428 (42)

Immunosuppressant use during hospitalization



19,799 (51)


19,071 (49)

Cost (yuan)

19,107.2 (12,127.0, 34,275.0)

Length of stay (day)

7.9 (5.1, 12.8)

ICU admission



36,511 (94)


2359 (6)

Receiving mechanical ventilation during hospital



25,267 (65)


13,603 (35)

Discharge outcome



4786 (12)


31,833 (82)


950 (2)


1301 (3)

Pulmonary fungal infection



33,526 (86)


5344 (14)

Viral pneumonia



38,412 (99)


458 (1)

Albumin (g/L)

35.0 (31.3, 38.2)

White blood cell (*109/L)

8.1 (6.1, 11.0)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/h)

46 (20, 85)

Hypersensitive C-reactive protein (mg/L)

20.5 (3.32, 71.2)




10,828 (48)


11,758 (52)

