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Table 1 Treatment arms, duration and dosage of intake

From: Feasibility, safety and effectiveness of prednisolone and vitamin B1, B6, and B12 in patients with post-COVID-19-syndrome (PreVitaCOV) – protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre trial in primary care (phase IIIb)


Day 0

Day 1–5

Day 6–28

Treatment Arm 1

(prednisolone and placebo)


20 mg prednisolone 1 × 1 and

placebo 1 × 1

5 mg prednisolone 1 × 1 and

placebo 1 × 1

Treatment Arm 2

(placebo and vitamin B compound)


placebo 1 × 1 and

Vitamin B compound (100 mg B1, 50 mg B6, 500 µg B12) 1 × 1

Treatment Arm 3

(prednisolone and vitamin B compound)


20 mg prednisolone 1 × 1 and

Vitamin B compound (100 mg B1, 50 mg B6, 500 µg B12) 1 × 1

5 mg prednisolone 1 × 1 and

Vitamin B compound (100 mg B1, 50 mg B6, 500 µg B12) 1 × 1

Treatment Arm 4

(placebo and placebo)


placebo 1 × 1 and

placebo 1 × 1