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Table 2 Vancomycin dosing, distribution of Ctrough and AUC, Primary and secondary endpoints (n = 78)

From: Clinical application of vancomycin TDM in ventilated patients with gastrointestinal cancer: a propensity-matched analysis


Initial dose (daily), n (%)

  1000–2000 mg

4 (5.1)

  2001–3000 mg

50 (64.1)

   > 3000 mg

24 (30.8)

Average daily dosage (mg/kg, q12h)

15.18 ± 3.29


15.38 [14.29–19.27]

Average trough concentration (mg/L)

8.26 ± 5.01


6.90 [5.28–11.20]

Ctrough, n (%)

   < 10 mg/L

54 (69.2)

  10–15 mg/L

15 (19.2)

  15–20 mg/L

8 (10.3)

   > 20 mg/L

1 (1.3)

 AUC, n (%)

   < 400

52 (66.7)


24 (30.7)

   > 600

2 (2.6)

Clinical Outcomes

 Primary endpoints

  Clinical success rate, n (%)

58 (74.4)

  28-day all-cause mortality, n (%)

4 (5.1)

  Composite outcome of new-onset AKI or RRT, n (%)

7 (9.0)

 Secondary endpoints

  Duration of vasoactive agent (day)

4 [2-5]

  Duration of ventilation (day)

4 [3-5]

  Duration of antibiotics (day)

5 [5-7]

  1. Abbreviations: Ctrough trough concentration, AKI acute kidney injury, RRT renal replacement therapy
  2. Note: Values for categorical variables are given as count (percentage); values for continuous variables, as mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range]