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Table 6 Correlation between PEP and PrEP in HCWs

From: Analysis of HIV drug prophylaxis services cascade in healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in China


Knowledge of PEP

Attitudes toward PEP

Provision of PEP services

Knowledge of PrEP

r = 0.292a

Attitudes toward PrEP

r = 0.325b

Provision of PrEP services

r = 0.555c

  1. aThe correlation was statistically significant (X2 = 99.157, p < 0.001), r was the value of Pearson contingency coefficient; bThe correlation was statistically significant (X2 = 91.875, p < 0.001), r was the value of Pearson contingency coefficient;cThe correlation was statistically significant (X2 = 340.269, p < 0.001), r was the value of Pearson contingency coefficient; “–” meant that no correlation analysis was done