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Table 3 Investigation of the source of infection

From: Detection of Clostridium perfringens in donor milk at a human breast milk bank: a case report




December 14, the breast milk donation

Re-inspection: Collection of the milk using a home breast pump and sending it for microbiological analysis

Anaerobic culture: C. perfringens at the production stage

Aerobic culture: S. epidermidis

December 16, the breast milk donation

Follow-up on the infant’s health status

According to the return visit, Symptoms of bloody stools persisted between November 19 and December 11, and there was no improvement even after the mother avoided milk protein food and AAF feeding. CMPA diagnosis was ruled out, and milk contamination was considered. Breastfeeding was discontinued.

December 18, the breast milk donation

Second retest: Hand milking at the outpatient clinic to collect fresh milk and send it for microbiological analysis

Anaerobic culture: no bacteria or yeast-like fungi

Aerobic culture: S. epidermidis

December 23the breast milk donation

Sampling and detection of donor’s home environment

Breast pump internal: C. perfringens was detected

Community soil: C. perfringens was detected

Breast milk storage inside a refrigerator, at the refrigerator door handle, mother’s hand hygiene, and desktop sampling did not detect C. perfringens at the production stage