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Table 1 Characteristics of notified cases and the study population

From: Transmitted drug resistance and subtype patterns of viruses from reported new HIV diagnoses in Germany, 2017–2020





N (%)

N (%)

N (%)




9016 (78.2)

3780 (82.9)

2575 (83.1)


2492 (21.6)

771 (16.9)

516 (16.7)

 Diverse/Not reportedb

19 (0.2)

8 (0.2)

6 (0.2)

Mode of transmission



5465 (47.4)

2420 (53.1)

1659 (53.6)


2814 (24.4)

940 (20.6)

638 (20.6)


583 (5.1)

214 (4.7)

146 (4.7)


63 (0.5)

12 (0.3)

9 (0.3)

 Not reported

2602 (22.6)

973 (21.3)

645 (20.8)

Country of origin



6198 (53.8)

2649 (58.1)

1817 (58.7)


4274 (37.1)

1499 (32.9)

1025 (33.1)

 Not reported

1055 (9.2)

411 (9.0)

255 (8.2)

  1. aSuccessfully amplified and analyzed genome regions.
  2. bBecause of low numbers these two groups were merged for reasons of data protection.
  3. cMen who have sex with men.
  4. dPersons with a heterosexual mode of transmission.
  5. ePersons who inject drugs.