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Fig. 10 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 10

From: Evolution of neuroimaging findings in angioinvasive cerebral aspergillosis in a pediatric patient with leukemia during long-term observation

Fig. 10

(the Brain MRI Without and with contrast, day 73). A-P Sign of multiple ring-like enhancing lesion is seen at the different parts of the brain parenchyma including cerebellar hemispheres associated with surrounding edema formation suggestive of multiple abscess formation (A-H). Marked enhancement of ependymal layer of the posterior aspect of the right lateral ventricle (at the level of occipital horn and trigone) and also with a lesser degree at left lateral ventricle is seen which are suggestive of diffuse ventriculitis. Some acute hemorrhage is seen at the site of mentioned largest lesion of the left frontotemporal lobe (I-L). Despite of presence of EVD within the right lateral ventricle (not shown here), severe communicating type of hydrocephalus associated with a midline shift to the left side is seen, again suggestive of EVD malfunction or severity of hydrocephalus. Sign of severe dilatation of lateral ventricles (including temporal horns) as well as third and fourth ventricles and also aqueduct of Sylvius and foramen Magendie, all suggestive of communicating type of hydrocephalus (M-P). LV: lateral ventricle, TH: temporal horn of lateral ventricle, TV: third ventricle, FV: fourth ventricle, AS: aqueduct of Sylvius, FM: foramen Magendie

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