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Table 1 Study participants characteristics at the time of starting TB treatment

From: Burden of HIV and treatment outcomes among TB patients in rural Kenya: a 9-year longitudinal study


HIV negative (N = 19,019)

HIV positive (N = 7879)

HIV status unknown (N = 387)

All patients (N = 27,285)



13,253 (70)

3930 (50)

267 (69)

17,450 (64)


5766 (30)

3949 (50)

120 (31)

9835 (36)

Age in years

 18 to 30 years

6853 (36)

1700 (22)

121 (31)

8674 (32)

 31 to 40 years

4629 (24)

2974 (38)

93 (24)

7696 (28)

 41 to 50 years

2780 (15)

2125 (27)

65 (17)

4970 (18)

 51 + years

4757 (25)

1080 (14)

108 (28)

5945 (22)

Patient type

 New cases

16,801 (88)

6821 (87)

364 (94)

23,986 (88)

 Re-treatment cases

2218 (12)

1058 (13)

23 (5.9)

3299 (12)

TB type


16,585 (87)

6732 (85)

322 (83)

23,639 (87)


2434 (13)

1147 (15)

65 (17)

3646 (13)

Recruitment health facility


15,429 (81)

5691 (72)

295 (76)

21,415 (78)


3183 (17)

2070 (26)

87 (22)

5340 (20)


407 (2.1)

118 (1.5)

5 (1.3)

530 (1.9)



17,369 (91)

7098 (90)

375 (97)

24,842 (91)

 Community volunteer

645 (3.4)

246 (3.1)

2 (0.5)

893 (3.3)

 Health worker

1005 (5.3)

535 (6.8)

10 (2.6)

1550 (5.7)

Nutrition status


6080 (32)

2290 (29)

98 (25)

8468 (31)

 Normal BMI

9738 (51)

4170 (53)

174 (45)

14,082 (52)


2151 (11)

932 (12)

37 (9.6)

3120 (11)

 Not reported

1050 (5.5)

487 (6.2)

78 (20)

1615 (5.9)

Method of TB diagnosis

 Clinical signs

8356 (44)

4658 (59)

204 (53)

13,218 (48)

 Bacteriological confirmed

10,663 (56)

3221 (41)

183 (47)

14,067 (52)

Treatment regimen


17,674 (93)

6875 (87)

349 (90)

24,898 (91)


971 (5.1)

832 (11)

10 (2.6)

1813 (6.6)


296 (1.6)

95 (1.2)

24 (6.2)

415 (1.5)


78 (0.4)

77 (1.0)

4 (1.0)

159 (0.6)



11,256 (59)

4553 (58)

165 (43)

15,974 (59)


7763 (41)

3326 (42)

222 (57)

11,311 (41)

Year of diagnosis


2408 (13)

1174 (15)

67 (17)

3649 (13)


2165 (11)

1032 (13)

52 (13)

3249 (12)


2132 (11)

1085 (14)

78 (20)

3295 (12)


2061 (11)

872 (11)

21 (5.4)

2954 (11)


1677 (8.8)

755 (9.6)

25 (6.5)

2457 (9.0)


2004 (11)

774 (9.8)

27 (7.0)

2805 (10)


2539 (13)

922 (12)

27 (7.0)

3488 (13)


2284 (12)

711 (9.0)

42 (11)

3037 (11)


1749 (9.2)

554 (7.0)

48 (12)

2351 (8.6)

  1. DOT Direct observed treatment, BMI Body Mass Index, ARVs Antiretroviral, new patients have never been treated for TB or taken anti-TB drugs for less than one month, Re-treatment cases have received one month or more of anti-TB drugs in the past and includes relapsed patients, all results are N(%)