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Table 2 Summary of themes

From: Understanding public perceptions in social media responses to posts about acute severe hepatitis of unknown etiology in Indonesia: a qualitative study



Number of posts

Disbelief in the existence of ASHUE

• disciplining the public via power/control including fear tactics

Do not believe in the existence of the disease; believe in conspiracy theory; exaggerated news; believe this is a bioweapon; do not believe hepatitis occurs in children; and do not care about news on its preventive measures

Apprehension with the word “mysterious”, a strategy for disciplining people to continue to follow COVID-19 protocols



Suspicion about a potential new business after COVID-19

Suspect of new medicine and vaccine business emerging that requires people to buy medicine and to be vaccinated


COVID-19 vaccine as the cause

COVID-19 vaccine as the main cause of ASHUE, and the disease occurs after mass vaccination of children


Religion-related fatalism

Trust more in religion or God instead of health experts and health logical perception


Trust in government measures

Social media users suggested public to follow COVID-19 protocols, asking the public to see the fact of mortality, and suggesting the government to keep informing the public about the disease and preventive measures