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Table 1 PLHIV’ characteristics at baselinea

From: Decentralization of viral load testing to improve HIV care and treatment cascade in rural Tanzania: observational study from the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort



n = 4454


 Age categories (years), n (%)

  15 – 24

281 (7%)

  25 – 34

769 (17%)


1546 (35%)

  ≥ 45

1858 (42%)

 Gender, n (%)


1372 (31%)


3082 (69%)

 Married Status, n (%)

  Married/Cohabiting (%)

2528 (57%)

  Never married

474 (11%)


1451 (33%)


1 (< 0.1%)

 Education, n (%)


363 (8%)


3709 (84%)

  Secondary and above/other

371 (8%)


11 (0.3%)

 Occupation, n (%)


3666 (83%)

  Non farmer

777 (18%)


11 (0.3%)

 Distance of residence from clinic, n (%)

  ≤ 1 km

2074 (48%)

  2 – < 50 km

1451 (33%)

  ≥ 50 km

835 (19%)


94 (2%)

 Daily alcohol consumption, n (%)


4403 (98%)


101 (2%)


 Body Mass Index, Kg/m2, n (%)b

  Underweight, < 18.5

365 (8%)

  Normal, 18.5—< 25

2582 (60%)

  Overweight, 25—< 30

922 (21%)

  Obese, ≥ 30

464 (11%)


121 (3%)

 WHO Stage, n (%)b


1463 (33%)


986 (22%)


1378 (31%)


620 (14%)


7 (0.2%)

 CD4 cell count (cells/µl)b, n (%)

  < 100

157 (4%)


1048 (24%)

  ≥ 350

3192 (73%)


57 (1%)

 On Second line ART, n (%)


3976 (89%)


478 (11%)

 Baselinea calendar year, n (%)


3045 (68%)


813 (18%)


465 (11%)


131 (3%)

 Years since ART initiation, n (%)

  < 2 years

1656 (37%)

  2 – < 5 years

1100 (25%)

  ≥ 5 years

1698 (38%)

  1. The characteristics analyzed are in number and percent of those with non-missing data, missing data rows are in number and column %
  2. aAt the first clinical visit aged ≥ 15 years old with at least 6 months on ART between August 2017 to July 2020
  3. bNearest recorded measurement of BMI, CD4 cell count, WHO stage 18 months before to 3 months after baseline