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Table 2 Vitals and laboratory blood tests

From: Short- and long-term mortality in patients with urosepsis caused by Escherichia coli susceptible and resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins


All patients

N = 313

EC-SC group N = 195


EC-RC group

N = 118


P value

Systemic temperature (°C), mean (SD)

38.23 (1.22)

38.28 (1.30)

38.14 (1.08)


WBC K/microL, mean (SD)

15.492 (7.614)

14.788 (7.113)

16.655 (8.278)


CRP mg/l, mean (SD)

16.56 (10.33)

16.67 (10.35)

16.35 (10.34)


Albumin g/dl), mean (SD)

3.07 (0.63)

3.11 (0.47)

3.02 (0.83)


ARF, Cr > 1.3, n (%)

152 (48.6)

89 (45.6)

63 (53.4)


PBS, mean (SD)

0.79 (1.22)

0.77 (1.22)

0.81 (1.23)


Number of E. coli positive hemocultures, mean (SD)

1.29 (0.62)

1.13 (0.41)

1.55 (0.80)

 < 0.001

  1. Data is presented as mean (SD) or number (%)
  2. EC-SC Group—patients with urosepsis caused by E. coli susceptible to 3rd generation cephalosporins
  3. EC-RC Group—patients with urosepsis caused by E. coli resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins
  4. SD standard deviation, WBC white blood cells, CR C reactive protein, ARF acute renal failure, Cr creatinine, PBS Pitt bacteremia score