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Table 1 Summary of COVID-19 restrictions in Melbourne during 2020

From: The impact of three progressively introduced interventions on second wave daily COVID-19 case numbers in Melbourne, Australia



June 21 at 11:59 pm

“Pre-Stage 3” Relaxation of earlier restrictions enforced during first COVID-19 wave, retaining some restrictions including restrictions on visits to age care and health facilities and on the number of people in private gatherings (5), public gatherings (10) except for weddings (20) and funerals (50). It imposed a one person per 4 sq meter rule for pubs, bars, restaurants etc. [5]

July 2 at 11:59 pm

“Stage 3” restrictions to the 10 postcodes in Melbourne with the highest case burden (Stage 3 included: work or study from home where possible: closure of pubs, bars, entertainment venues, churches/places of worship; restricting restaurants and cafes to take-away only, and limiting public gatherings to two people) [6]

July 8 at 11:59 pm

Extension of Stage 3 restrictions introduced to the rest of Melbourne including the adjoining Mitchell Shire [7, 8]

July 20

Government announces that the mandatory use of masks or face coverings will be introduced in public settings for Melbourne on the July 22 at 11.59 pm [9]

July 22 at 11:59 pm

Addition of Mandatory use of masks or face coverings in public settings to Stage 3 restrictions for Melbourne [10]

August 2 at 6:00 pm

“Stage 4” restrictions for Melbourne (excluding Mitchell Shire). In addition to Stage 3 restrictions, they include: Curfew 8:00 pm to 5:00 am, restriction on movement to < 5 km, substantially increased restrictions on businesses and closure of non-essential stores, no visitor to homes [11, 12]

September 13th

Step 1 of eased restrictions. Very minor easing: Curfew changed from 8:00 to 9:00 pm. People living alone can have single visitor allowed in homes, playgrounds re-opened [13, 14]

October 18

Step 2 of eased restrictions. Minor easing: Curfew scrapped, limited opening of schools, some restrictions on non-essential businesses relaxed. Outdoor meetings with 10 people permitted [13]