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Table 1 Patient characteristic of the participants in the serological assays

From: The role and diagnostic accuracy of serology for COVID-19

Patient characteristics

Cases (N = 153)

Controls (N = 150)

Age, Years, Mean ± SD

54.27 ± 13.92

42.32 ± 16.71

Sex, Male, n (%)

96 (62.7)

72 (48)

Duration of illness before admission, days, Mean ± SD

13.39 ± 3.84

8.49 ± 3.62

Fever present at admission, n (%)

135 (88.2)

104 (100)

WBC Count, cells/mm3, Mean ± SD

8336 ± 6272

10,186 ± 9979

Platelet Count, cells/mm3, Mean ± SD

267,927 ± 107,859

86,104 ± 72,643

Total Bilirubin, mg/dl, Mean ± SD

0.58 ± 0.34

2.12 ± 2.19

Direct Bilirubin, mg/dl, Mean ± SD

0.28 ± 0.23

1.71 ± 1.96

Total Protein, g/dl, Mean ± SD

7.48 ± 5.89

6.25 ± 1.04

Albumin, g/dl, Mean ± SD

3.93 ± 2.63

2.97 ± 0.78

AST, IU/ l, Mean ± SD

34.68 ± 19.88

181.38 ± 261.87

ALT, IU/ l, Mean ± SD

35.57 ± 25.38

103.38 ± 92.47

Alkaline Phosphatase, IU/ l, Mean ± SD

85.54 ± 45.68

169.68 ± 108.89

Serum Creatinine, mg/dl, Mean ± SD

1.11 ± 1.64

1.66 ± 1.75

  1. SD standard deviation, N sample size, AST aspartate transaminase, ALT alanine transaminase
  2. The values shown are based on the available data. Laboratory values for white-cell count (WBC), platelet count and serum creatinine were available for 150 cases and 103 controls; the values for total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein and albumin values and alkaline phosphatase values were available for 147 cases and 101 controls; aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values were available for 152 cases