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Table 3 Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients with DNSA in the validation cohort

From: Bacteriological analysis based on disease severity and clinical characteristics in patients with deep neck space abscess


All (n = 74)

Life-threatening complications

Yes (n = 15)

No (n = 59)

Age, median, (IQR), years

53.0 (42.8–59.8)

58.0 (46.0–68.0)

52.0 (41.0.0–57.0)

Sex, male, n (%)

59 (79.7)

14 (93.3)

45 (76.3)

Multispace involvement, n (%)

37 (50.0)

15 (100.0)

22 (37.3)

Gas formation, n (%)

24 (32.4)

10 (66.7)

14 (23.7)

Dyspnea, n (%)

13 (17.6)

7 (46.7)

6 (10.2)

Primary regions of infection


 Suprahyoid region, n (%)

51 (68.9)

14 (93.3)

37 (62.7)

 Infrahyoid region, n (%)

18 (24.3)

0 (0.0)

18 (30.5)

 Retropharyngeal region, n (%)

5 (6.8)

1 (6.7)

4 (6.8)

Laboratory test


 NEUT, median, (IQR), 109/L

11.3 (8.7–14.7)

13.0 (11.6–20.8)

10.2 (8.4–13.4)

 PLR, median, (IQR)

172.5 (115.5–257.1)

231.6 (160.1–420.4)

157.4 (113.5–241.4)

 Albumin, median, (IQR), g/L

38.0 (33.4–41.9)

34.6 (27.8–35.1)

39.4 (33.9–42.5)

  1. DNSA, deep neck space abscess; IQR, interquartile range; NEUT, neutrophile count; PLR, platelet count to lymphocyte count ratio