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Fig. 2 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 2

From: Indirect comparison of 48-week efficacy and safety of long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine maintenance every 8 weeks with daily oral standard of care antiretroviral therapy in participants with virologically suppressed HIV-1-infection

Fig. 2

Summary of risk difference results of the indirect comparison of CAB + RPV LA Q8W relative to SoC A by outcome, B virologic suppression (HIV RNA < 50 copies/mL as per FDA snapshot algorithm) results stratified by baseline third active drug class, and C lack of virologic suppression (HIV ≥ 50 copies/mL as per FDA Snapshot Algorithm) results stratified by baseline third active drug class. aFavors CAB + RPV Q8W. bMean difference. cValues could not be calculated for RR and OR as value for SoC in ATLAS/FLAIR was 0. AE adverse event, ATLAS/FLAIR antiretroviral therapy as long-acting suppression/first long-acting injectable regimen, CAB cabotegravir, CI confidence interval, HIV-1 human immunodeficiency virus type 1, INSTI integrase strand inhibitor, ISR injection-site reaction, LA Long-acting, NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, OR Odds ratio, PI protease inhibitor, Q8W every 8 weeks, RNA ribonucleic acid, RPV rilpivirine, RR Relative risk, SoC standard of care

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