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Table 1 Etiology of precipitating events

From: Hepatitis B-related acute-on-chronic liver failure induced by hepatotropic viral insult is associated with worse prognosis than that induced by non-virus insult

Precipitating events


Hepatotropic viral insult(N = 82)


 HBV reactivation, no (%)

81 (39.9)

 Withdrawal of antiviral drugs

57 (28.1)

 Due to immunosuppressive/chemotherapeutic drugs (5.9%), or viral mutations, chemotherapeutic drugs

12 (5.9)

 Viral mutations

12 (5.9)

 Super-infection with HAV, no (%)

1 (0.5)

Non-virus insult (N = 121)

 Bacterial infection, no (%)

60 (29.6)

 Drug insult, no (%)

21 (10.3)

 Active alcohol drinking, no (%)

21 (10.3)

 Overwork, no (%)

16 (7.9)

 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, no (%)

2 (1.0)

 Surgery, no (%)

1 (0.5)

  1. HBV hepatitis B virus, HAV hepatitis A virus