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Table 1 Demographic information of participants

From: Survey of knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare professionals on dengue transmission, diagnosis and clinical classification


Doctors (N = 186)

Nurses (N = 285)

Age, mean—year (SD)

34.3 (8.9)

31.8 (7.3)

Male—no. (%)

87 (46.8)

48 (16.8)

Received training on dengue fever—no. (%)

148 (80.9)

208 (74.0)

Year of experience taking care of dengue patients, mean—year (SD)

5.3 (5.9)

6.7 (6.6)

Practice site—no. (%)

Community health center

1 (0.6)

1 (0.4)

District hospital

18 (10.0)

50 (18.2)

Provincial hospital

110 (61.1)

177 (64.6)

Tertiary hospital

51 (28.3)

46 (16.8)

Country—no. (%)


11 (5.9)

10 (3.5)


27 (14.5)


Viet Nam

148 (79.6)

275 (96.5)

Frequency of taking care of dengue patient—no. (%)

Very often (> 10 cases/week)

42 (23.3)

47 (17.1)

Often (1–10 cases/week)

44 (24.2)

50 (18.3)

Sometimes (1–10 cases/month)

59 (32.6)

109 (39.8)

Seldom (1–10 cases/year)

36 (19.9)

68 (24.8)