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Fig. 3 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 3

From: Coronavirus seasonality, respiratory infections and weather

Fig. 3

Seasonal coronavirus infections based on the week of infection and daily measures of the average weather for England and Wales between 2012 and 2019. a–f Coronavirus cases per week as a percentage of all cases and mean of weather parameters over the week. Each is lagged by a different number of weeks before the specimen date; a global radiation (kJ/m2/h), b relative humidity (%), c air temperature (°C), d sunshine (hours per day), e dewpoint temperature (°C), f precipitation (mm/hour); g–l Coronavirus cases as a percentage of cases per year and weekly mean of weather parameters separated into periods when the cases were declining (Down—days of year 43–224 and Up—days of year 225–366 and 1–42). g Global radiation (kJ/m2/h), h relative humidity (%), i air temperature (°C), j sunshine (hours per day), k dewpoint temperature (°C), l precipitation (mm/h); m–r Coronavirus case numbers split by quantiles of the weather parameters with a 2-week lag. m Global radiation (kJ/m2/h), n relative humidity (%), o air temperature (°C), p sunshine (hours per day), q dewpoint temperature (°C), r precipitation (mm/h); s–x Coronavirus cases by day of year and weather parameters with a 2-week lag. s Global radiation (kJ/m2/h), t relative humidity (%), u air temperature (°C), v sunshine (hours per day), w dewpoint temperature (°C), x precipitation (mm/h). y–ad Average weather parameters in the previous 28 days were split into ten quantiles based on the weather values. y Global radiation (kJ/m2/h), z relative humidity (%), aa air temperature (°C), ab sunshine (hours per day), ac dewpoint temperature (°C), ad precipitation (mm/h)

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