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Table 2 Biological sampling and laboratory tests conducted in the ANDEMIA study

From: The African Network for Improved Diagnostics, Epidemiology and Management of common infectious Agents

Biological samples

Study population

Laboratory testing

Whole blood

Febrile cases

Blood culture


Cases/ healthy controls

Molecular detection of bacteria (FTD® Bacterial pneumonia CAP) for RTI cases


Cases/ healthy controls

Molecular detection of viruses and bacteria (multiplex PCR-based macroarray assay) for AFDUC cases and RTI/GI cases without first-line pathogen detection

Naso−/ Oropharyngeal swabs

Cases/ healthy controls

Molecular detection of viruses and bacteria (FTD® respiratory pathogens 33)



Molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 (TIB Molbiol LightMix® SarbecoV E-gene and SARS-CoV-2 RdRP-gene) from March 2020 onwards, and retrospectively from December 2019 on



Stool culture


Cases/ healthy controls

Molecular detection of viruses (FTD® viral gastroenteritis), bacteria (FTD® bacterial gastroenteritis) and parasites (FTD® stool parasites)

  1. Legend: ARI acute respiratory infection; GI acute gastrointestinal infection; AFDUC acute febrile disease of unknown cause