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Table 2 laboratorial findings and Neuroimaging of apparently immunocompetent patients with Cryptococcal meningitis

From: Impaired consciousness and decreased glucose concentration of CSF as prognostic factors in immunocompetent patients with cryptococcal meningitis



Blood WBC count(109/L)

8.4 (6.6, 11.8)


 Opening pressure(>180mmH2O)

65 (85.5%)

 WBC count(106/L)

50 (18.5, 122.5)

 Elevated WBC counts

69 (90.8%)

 Glucose (mmol/L)

1.66 (0.80, 2.85)

 Increased glucose level

56 (73.7%)

 Chloride (mmol/L)

117.0 (113.7, 120.3)

 Increased chloride level

55 (72.4%)

 Protein (g/L)

0.85 (0.54, 1.57)

 Increased protein level

62 (81.6%)

 India ink test positive

66 (86.8%)

 Culture positive

37 (48.7%)


 Dilated Virchow-Robin spaces

50 (65.8%)

 Parenchymal lesions

41 (53.9%)

 meningeal enhancement

16 (21.1%)


11 (14.5%)

 Gelatinous pseudocyst

7 (9.2%)

  1. Data are n (%) or median (interquartile range); Am B Amphotericin B, WBC White blood cell, CSF Cerebrospinal fluid