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Table 1 Demographic and clinical profile of apparently immunocompetent patients with Cryptococcal meningitis

From: Impaired consciousness and decreased glucose concentration of CSF as prognostic factors in immunocompetent patients with cryptococcal meningitis



Gender, M/F

50/26 (66%/34%)

Age at onset (years)

50.0 (40–62)

interval from onset to antifungal treatment (day)

29 (15,40)

duration of antifungal treatment (day)

31 (12.5, 54.5)

Am B administration

69 (90.8%)

Shunt surgery

11 (14.5%)

Main symptoms and signs


71 (93.4%)


48 (63.2%)


38 (50.0%)

 Impaired consciousness

15 (19.7%)

 Visual disturbance

15 (19.7%)


9 (11.8%)

 Limb weakness

7 (9.2%)

 Altered mentation

7 (9.2%)

 Hearing impairment

2 (2.6%)

 Meningeal irritation positive

45 (59.2%)

  1. Data are n (%) or median (interquartile range); Am B Amphotericin B, WBC White blood cell, CSF Cerebrospinal fluid