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Table 3 Participant clinical information (n = 30)

From: A new grounded theory model of sexual adjustment to HIV: facilitators of sexual adjustment and recommendations for clinical practice

HIV related information

Mean (SD), [range]

Years since HIV diagnosis

10 (8.4), [1–30]

Years since HIV treatment commenced

7.6 (7.5), [1–26]


n (%)

Mode of HIV acquisition

 Sexual transmission

29 (96.7)

 Not known

1 (3.3)

 Currently on HIV treatment

26 (86.7)

Self-reported viral load


26 (86.7)


1 (3.3)


3 (10)

Self-reported CD4 count

 500–1500 range

21 (70)


2 (6.7)

  < 200

0 (0)


7 (23.3)

Psychological well-being

Mean (SD), [range]

DASSa sub-scale scores


11.2 (8.7), [0–36]


7.8 (6.3), [0–24]


13.3 (8.8), [0–36]

Sexual well-being

n (%)

PROMISv2± normed score ranges

 No partner/ No recent sexual activity

13 (43.3)

 Below average (~ 1 SD below mean)

4 (13.3)


4 (13.3)

 Better than average (~ 1 SD above mean)

1 (3.3)

 Much better than average (>1SD above mean

8 (26.6)

  1. aDepression Anxiety Stress Scales – short form 21 [13]
  2. ±PROMISv2 [14]