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Table 2 Association between caregiver’s knowledge of schistosomiasis and STH and attitudes towards these infections

From: Knowledge, attitudes and practices on schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths among caregivers in Ingwavuma area in uMkhanyakude district, South Africa

Caregivers’ attitudes towards schistosomiasis

Caregivers’ knowledge about schistosomiasis prevention and control

No idea

Incorrect answers

At least one correct

X 2 p-value

Schistosomiasis is a minor infection that may clear overtime without treatment

 Strongly agree

97 (51.3)

30 (15.9)

62 (32.8)


 Somewhat agree

43 (50.0)

10 (11.6)

33 (38.4)

 Somewhat disagree

25 (36.2)

9 (13.0)

35 (50.7)

 Strongly disagree

27 (27.6)

10 (10.2)

61 (62.2)

Whether schistosomiasis treatment results in severe, long-term side effects

 Strongly agree

107 (46.9)

29 (12.7)

92 (40.4)


 Somewhat agree

31 (39.7)

13 (16.7)

34 (43.6)

 Somewhat disagree

24 (46.2)

5 (9.6)

23 (44.2)

 Strongly disagree

30 (35.7)

12 (14.3)

42 (50.0)

Schistosomiasis treatment is costly

 Strongly agree

68 (47.9)

16 (11.3)

58 (40.8)


 Somewhat agree

36 (47.4)

16 (21.1)

24 (31.6)

 Somewhat disagree

43 (46.7)

13 (14.1)

36 (39.1)

 Strongly disagree

45 (34.1)

14 (10.6)

73 (55.3)

 Caregivers’ attitudes towards STH

Caregivers’ knowledge of STH prevention and control

STH are minor infections that cause no harm to the body

 Strongly agree

14 (24.1)

16 (27.6)

28 (48.3)


 Somewhat agree

27 (48.2)

12 (21.4)

17 (30.4)

 Somewhat disagree

29 (44.6)

18 (27.7)

18 (27.7)

 Strongly disagree

88 (33.5)

53 (20.2)

122 (46.4)

STH only affects adults and not children

 Strongly agree

32 (35.2)

21 (23.1)

38 (41.8)


 Somewhat agree

36 (45.0)

18 (22.5)

26 (32.5)

 Somewhat disagree

31 (39.2)

20 (25.3)

28 (35.4)

 Strongly disagree

59 (30.7)

40 (20.8)

93 (48.4)

STH treatment is costly

 Strongly agree

37 (43.0)

22 (25.6)

27 (31.4)


 Somewhat agree

38 (45.2)

20 (23.8)

26 (31.0)

 Somewhat disagree

25 (29.8)

21 (25.0)

38 (45.2)

 Strongly disagree

58 (30.9)

36 (19.1)

94 (50.0)