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Table 1 Demographics and case characteristics of EIB and TB-AOI cases - Alberta, 2004–14

From: Program-wide review and follow-up of erythema Induratum of Bazin and tuberculosis-associated ocular inflammation management in a TB low-incidence setting: need for improved treatment candidate selection, therapy standardization, and care collaboration


EIB (n = 22)

TB-AOI (n = 20)

Female gender – no. (%)

17 (77)

11 (55)

Age – years

 Median (IQR)

43 (8.3)

38 (17.8)

Country of origin – no. (%)


18 (82)

14 (70)

History of latent TB− no. (%)

4 (18)

4 (20)

Duration of Symptoms – months (years)

n = 19

n = 15


24 (2)

9 (0.8)


30 (2.5)

13 (1.1)



n = 16

n = 16

  Range - induration (mm)



  Median (IQR)

18 (7)

17.5 (7.8)


n = 13 (7 had TST)

n = 15 (11 had TST)

  Positive result – no. (%)

12 (92)

13 (87)

 Chest X-ray

n = 22

n = 20

  TB changes§ – no. (%)

4 (18)

1 (5)

Tissue Biopsy Pathology#

n = 17


Granulomatous inflammation

15 (88)

No samples obtained for


9 (53)



10 (59)



8 (47)

  1. *TB-HBC = TB High Burden Country as per WHO classification [40]
  2. TB history = reported prior exposure, documented TST conversion (positive after a prior negative), or prior LTBI therapy
  3. TST = tuberculin skin test, IGRA = interferon-gamma release assay (QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube Test)
  4. §TB changes (no.) = upper lobe calcification (2), multilobar ‘infiltrate’ (1), nodule (1), hilar lymphadenopathy (1)
  5. Pathology sums to > 100% as multiple patterns present in some specimens, No AFB or organisms seen in any samples