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Table 2 Risk factors associated with HIV-1 drug resistance

From: Virologic suppression in response to antiretroviral therapy despite extensive resistance within HIV-1 reverse transcriptase after the first virologic failure

Number of resistance mutations


≥ 3 n (%)

<  3 n (%)


PR 95% IC


Age (years)


0, 806a


7 (10, 1)

11 (11, 5)

0, 90

0, 49 – 1, 66



52 (75, 4)

68 (70, 8)

1, 00


  > 50

10 (14, 5)

17 (17, 7)

0, 85

0, 50 – 1, 46




0, 476a


53 (76, 8)

69 (71, 9)

1, 17

0, 75 – 1, 81



16 (23, 2)

27 (28, 1)

1, 00


Viral subtype


0, 771a


50 (80, 6)

74 (78, 7)

1, 00



12 (19, 4)

20 (21, 3)

0, 93

0, 57 – 1, 53


VL before ART (copies/ml)


0, 570b

  ≤ 10.000

4 (7, 5)

3 (4, 3)

1, 00


  > 10.000 a 100.000

17 (32, 1)

27 (38, 6)

0, 68

0, 32 – 1, 42


  > 100.000

32 (60, 4)

40 (57, 1)

0, 78

0, 39 – 1, 55


CD4 before ART


0, 041a

  < 200

40 (66, 7)

39 (49, 4)

1, 52

1, 00 – 2, 31


  ≥ 200

20 (33, 3)

40 (50, 6)



VL in virologic failure (copies/ml)


0, 042a

  ≤ 10.000

15 (24, 6)

38 (71, 7)

1, 00


  > 10.000 a 100.000

34 (55, 7)

33 (36, 3)

1, 79

1,10 – 2, 92


  > 100.000

12 (19, 7)

20 (22, 0)


0,71 – 2, 46


CD4 in virologic failure


0, 011a

  < 200

38 (59, 4)

33 (35, 9)

2, 04

1,18 – 3, 55



15 (23, 4)

28 (30, 4)

1, 33

0, 69 – 2, 56


  > 350

11 (17, 2)

31 (33, 7)

1, 00


ART regímen at NRTI baseline


0, 189a


12 (17, 4)

25 (26, 0)

1, 00



57 (82, 6)

71 (74, 0)

1, 37

0, 83 – 2, 27


Time to virologic failure (months)


0, 221a

  < 12

13 (19, 4)

28 (30, 4)

1, 00



25 (37, 3)

34 (37, 0)

1,3 4

0, 78 – 2, 29


  > 24

29 (43, 3)

30 (32, 6)

1, 55

0, 92 – 2, 60


Time on ART (months)


0, 003a

  ≤ 36

13 (18, 8)

39 (40, 6)

1, 00


  > 36

56 (81, 2)

57 (59, 4)

1, 98

1, 19 – 3, 29

  1. ART antiretroviral therapy, PR prevalence ratio, CI confidence interval, VL viral load, cell T CD4 CD4 T cell count, TDF tenofovir, NRTIs nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  2. aChi-square test
  3. bFisher’s exact test