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Table 1 Comparison of indices of antibody reactivities with antigens in female or male somatic extracts using sera from cattle taken after 4 or 36 months of exposure

From: Onchocerca - infected cattle produce strong antibody responses to excretory-secretory proteins released from adult male Onchocerca ochengi worms

Antigen extract, Exposure time

Indices of IgG reactivity

Median (IQR)

Female extract, month 4

1068 (0–1479)

Female extract, month 36

1154 (937–1400)

Male extract, month 4

1739 (1526–1861)

Male extract, month 36

1641 (1490–1933)


Wilcoxon signed-rank test

Female extract, month 4 vs. Female extract, month 36

p = 0.98

Male extract, month 4 vs. Male extract, month 36

p = 0.35

Female extract, month 4 vs. Male extract, month 4

p < 0.001

Female extract, month 36 vs. Male extract, month 36

p < 0.001

  1. IQR interquartile range