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Table 1 Demographics and MSM-related information among MSM who had regular male sex partners

From: Intimate relationship characteristics as determinants of HIV risk among men who have sex with regular male sex partners: a cross-sectional study in Guangzhou, China


Col% (n)

N = 406

Socio-demographic characteristics


   < 25

37.7 (153)

   ≥ 25

62.3 (253)

 Currently married


83.3 (338)


16.7 (68)

 Guangzhou permanent resident


59.8 (243)


40.2 (163)

 Stayed in Guangzhou more than two years


21.2 (86)


78.8 (320)

 Higher than post-secondary education level


23.6 (96)


76.4 (310)

 Currently a student


83.0 (337)


17.0 (69)

 Monthly personal income (1000 RMB = 150 USD)

   < 4000 RMB (600 USD)

47.5 (193)

   ≥ 4000 RMB (600 USD)

52.5 (213)

MSM-related information

 Sexual orientation


22.7 (92)


77.3 (314)

 Duration being MSM

   < 5 years

45.1 (183)

   ≥ 5 years

54.9 (223)

 Male sex partners mainly recruited via

  Bar/dance hall/teahouse/club/bath/park/toilet/grassland/others

11.8 (48)

  Internet/Dating apps

88.2 (358)