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Table 2 Data extraction

From: Effectiveness of current and future regimens for treating genotype 3 hepatitis C virus infection: a large-scale systematic review

Study design


 • Study name, author and year of publication

 • Study design

 • Study period

 • Inclusion/exclusion criteria

 • Country

 • Settings

 • HCV treatment regimen

 • Definition of cirrhosis detection

 • HCV RNA quantification limit

 • Population analysed

 • Attrition and selection bias


Trial characteristics


 • Type of publication

 • Type of study

 • Treatment regimen

 • Treatment duration

 • Ribavirin


Patient characteristics


 • Proportion of men

 • Ethnicity (Caucasian/Asian)

 • Body-mass index

 • GT3 sample size at baseline

 • Treatment-naïve patients

 • CKD stages

 • Dialysis

 • Renal transplantation

 • Concomitant treatment with proton pump inhibitor (PPI)


Disease characteristics



 • Baseline resistance-associated variants/substitutions (RAV)

 • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection

 • Liver transplantation

 • Cirrhosis (compensated/decompensated)

 • MELD score

 • Child-Pugh score

 • Liver disease severity (F0/F1/F2/F3/F4)


Treatment outcomes


 • Rates of SVR (SVR4, SVR12, SVR24 and/or unspecified SVR)

 • 95% confidence interval (calculated from SVR data, where reported)

 • Rates of relapse after treatment

 • Type of relapse

 • Treatment discontinuation

 • Serious adverse events (SAEs)

  1. CKD chronic kidney disease, GT3 genotype 3, HCV hepatitis C virus, MELD model for end-stage liver disease, SVR sustained virological response