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Table 5 Discriminative performances of tuberculosis simple prognostic score (CABI) and risk categories

From: Development and validation of a prognostic score during tuberculosis treatment



Linear predictor score (CABI), mean (standard deviation)

−2.89 (1.31)

C-statistic by linear predictor score (CABI) (95% CI)

0.812 (0.784–0.841)

C-statistic by risk group

0.788 (0.758–0.818)

Mortality in each risk group

 Class I, low risk, Total points < 46

16/1029 (1.6%)

 Class II, moderate risk, 46 ≤ Total points < 50

25/366 (6.8%)

 Class III, high risk , 50 ≤ Total points < 60

106/674 (15%)

 Class IV, critical risk , Total points ≥ 60

66/181 (36.5%)

  1. CABI, derived from clinical form of tuberculosis (C), Age (A), Body mass index (B), I (HIV infection)
  2. Death risk = 1/(1 + e − (−1.3120 + 0.0474 age − 0.1866 BMI + 1.1637(if smear negative TB) + 0.5418(if extra − pulmonary TB) + 1.3820(if HIV+)))
  3. Total points = 6.6971700 linear predictor score + 66.5