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Table 1 Prevalence of intestinal protozoan in rural areas of Boyer-Ahmad District, Southwestern Iran, based on sex

From: Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal protozoan infections: a population-based study in rural areas of Boyer-Ahmad district, Southwestern Iran

Protozoan species


No. (%)


No. (%)


No. (%)

P- value

Giardia lamblia

96 (20.3%)

83 (15%)

179 (17.46%)


Endolimax nana


128 (23.18%)

216 (21.07%)


Blastocystis hominis

78 (16.42%)

104 (18.84%)

182 (17.76%)


Entamoeba coli

60 (12.68%)

91 (16.48%)

151 (14.73%)


Iodamoeba butschlii

20 (4.22%)

25 (4.52%)

45 (4.39%)


Chilomastix mesnili

10 (2.11%)

12 (2.17%)

22 (2.14%)


Entamoeba histolytica/dispar

2 (0.42%)

7 (1.26%)

9 (0.87%)


Dientamoeba fragilis

0 (0.0%)

2 (0.42%)

2 (0.19%)


Trichomonas hominis

1 (0.21%)

1 (0.18%)

2 (0.19%)
