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Table 1 SMS messages sent as part of the intervention

From: Community-based interventions to enhance knowledge, protective attitudes and behaviors towards canine rabies: results from a health communication intervention study in Guangxi, China

Message One

Rabies is an infectious disease with about 100%mortality. That is to say, human rabies is incurable. Animals such as dogs, cats, bats and other wild animals can infect human beings with rabies.

Message Two

You can be infected with rabies if you are bitten or scratched by infected animals. Organ transplantation can also cause rabies if organ donor is infected.

Message Three

Once bitten by a rabid dog, a person will generally show symptoms after 20 to 90 days if they do not take vaccination. Bite site, depth and the size of wound can affect the length of the incubation period. The attack comes in a few days or after ten years.

Message Four

After being bitten by dogs, cats or other animals, you should immediately wash the wound thoroughly with soap or water for at least 15 min. After washing, clean the wound with iodine or alcohol. Do not bandage the wound. Rabies vaccine need to be taken within 24 h.

Message Five

There is a vaccine against rabies. The vaccine should be used five times. There is a fixed schedule. Once being bitten, you should take the rabies vaccine one dose at the time: on the day, and the third, seventh, fourteenth, twenty-eighth day after being bitten or scratched.

Message Six

Rabies treatment cost: The treatment includes injecting two kinds of medicine, the rabies vaccine and an immunoglobulin. It would cost approximately 1,750 Yuan for a 60 kg adult; price increases with weight.

Message Seven

Human health care centers/hospitals, veterinary clinics and centers for disease control can provide rabies vaccination to you. After completing the vaccination schedule, check again in a hospital to determine whether your body contains antibody for safety assurance.

Message Eight

In order to reduce rabies infection, dog owners must comply with the Domestic Dog Management Regulation”. Register your dog. Vaccinate your dog or cat once a year. Do not have close contact with dogs or catsa.

Message Nine

During the vaccination, do not take strenuous exercises, do not drink alcohol, tea or coffee; intense physical activity can increase secondary effects of rabies vaccination reactions

Message Ten

If you are bitten by a rabies vaccinated animal you also need to take the rabies vaccination as soon as possible because it is difficult to judge whether the animal is infected with rabies or notb.

  1. aIn rural area of China, the dog vaccination is far below 70% now. Given the situation, it is practical to discourage contacts with dog or cat too closely
  2. bThis message is based on the actual situation of dog vaccination and the report that normal dogs in Guangxi have a positivity rate of rabies virus of 3.26% (Re-emergence of Rabies in the Guangxi Province of Southern China. PLoSNegl Trop Dis 8(10):e3114.)