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Table 3 Simulated MTCT rates of HIV in prevalent and incident maternal population according to the observed coverage of PMTCT services in Cameroon in 2011

From: Estimating mother-to-child HIV transmission rates in Cameroon in 2011: a computer simulation approach

MTCT circumstances

Estimated number of incident paediatric infections [95 % Confidence Interval]

Estimated transmission rate (%)

Prevalent HIV-infected pregnant women


Perinatal rate (<6 weeks of age)

3, 758 [3, 033–5, 077]

12.1 [8.8–15.1]

Postnatal rate (>6 weeks of age to 24 months)

3, 484 [2, 687–5, 286]

13.3 [9.3–17.8]

Postnatal rate among incident maternal infection during breastfeeding

3, 161 [2, 337–4, 679]

20.8 [14.1–26.9]


10, 403 [9, 054–13, 345]

22.1 [18.6–25.2]

  1. MTCT mother-to-child transmission, PMTCT prevention of mother-to-child transmission