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Table 2 The distribution of patients by the presence of HBoV1, the viral load in the NPAs, and the presence or absence of other viruses

From: Single detection of human bocavirus 1 with a high viral load in severe respiratory tract infections in previously healthy children

Patient group

No. of patients


No. (%) of children with other virus detected

No. (%) of children with no other virus detected

HBoV1-positive patients, viral load

61 (48.0)

66 (52.0)



11 (28.2)

28 (71.8)



50 (56.8)

38 (43.2)


HBoV1-negative subjects

525 (47.6)

577 (52.4)


All subjects

652 (53.1)

577 (46.9)

  1. NOTE: a.Compared with HBoV1-negative persons; determined by the Chi-square test.