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Archived Comments for: Congenital toxoplasmosis and prenatal care state programs

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  1. Evaluation of congential toxoplasmosis control programs

    Jorge Gomez- Marin, Universidad del Quindio

    29 January 2014

    The work by Avelino et al. describes the results of evaluation for a control program for congenital toxoplasmosis in Goiania (Brazil). Is difficult to understand some sentences and some of them seem incomplete. Besides language problems, important bias hampers to arrive to conclusions as stated by authors.

    The case definitions are not evidence- based clinical or laboratory criteria. For example PCR in newborn sometimes can give to false positive results. Also, specific anti Toxoplasma IgM can give false positive results if taken before day ten of life. 

    More surprising is the statement of 5% of congenital cases due to prenatal acquired infection. This merits a detailed description of mother´s and infants serological results including dates and tests that were used to arrive to so significant conclusion.

    Competing interests

