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Archived Comments for: Absence of antibodies to Rickettsia spp., Bartonella spp., Ehrlichia spp. and Coxiella burnetii in Tahiti, French Polynesia

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  1. Presence of Bartonella henselae infections in french Polynesia.

    Marc LEVY, French Polynesia Hospital

    23 July 2014

    The article of Didier MUSSO et al report the putative absence of Bartonella spp. infections in french Polynesia and the supportive result of the absence of immunoglobulin G antibodies against Bartonella henselae in sera from 472 french polynesian blood donors collected from 2011 to 2013.

    In fact, in the french Polynesia hospital of Tahiti, we diagnosed 12 cases of B henselae infections between 2007 and 2013 including 7 cases from 2011 to 2013. The diagnostics were made by detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies for 10 cases and by polymerase chain reaction on cardiac valve for 3 cases. One case had both tests positive. Among these clinical cases we found 6 endocarditis concerning 5 prosthetic valves and one native valve with valvulopathy, 4 papillitis including one lymphocytic meningitis, one cat scratch disease, and one retroperitoneal multiple adenitis with liver and spleen inflammatory nodules.

    The presence of B henselae infections is well established in french Polynesia likewise in the other countries. B henselae has a worldwide distribution, with cases of classic Bartonella infection reported in the United States, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia [1]. Endocarditis due to B henselae has been described in New Caledonia, a pacific french territory [2]. In french Polynesia, the diagnosis of B henselae infection should be evocate in clinical cases of endocarditis with negative blood cultures, papillitis, and adenitis of unknown origin.

    Marc LEVY MD, Olivier ATGER MD

    french Polynesia hospital, Tahiti

    Sabine Trombert-Paolantoni Pharm.D

    Cerba Laboratory, France

     1. Todd A. Florin, Theoklis E. Zaoutis and Lisa B. Zaoutis : Beyond Cat Scratch Disease: Widening Spectrum of Bartonella henselae. Pediatrics 2008;121;e1413.

    2. Fu J., Muttaiyah S., Pandey S., Thomas M. : Two cases of endocarditis due to Bartonella henselae. Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 01-June-2007, Vol 120 No 1255.

    Competing interests

