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Table 3 Prevalence of co-morbidities, associated mortality, incidence of septic shock, and ICU admission per co-morbidity

From: High incidence of septic shock caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 - a retrospective epidemiological study

Type of co-morbiditya

Number of patients (%)

28 day mortality (%)

Septic shock (%)

Admitted to the ICU (%)

Cardiovascular disease

136 (27%)

25 (18%)

18 (13%)

26 (19%)

Lung disease

125 (24%)

20 (16%)

20 (16%)

26 (21%)

Neurological disease

67 (13%)

12 (18%)

9 (13%)

10 (15%)

Diabetes mellitus

61 (12%)

10 (6%)

12 (20%)

12 (20%)

Solid cancer

50 (10%)

7 (14%)

5 (10%)

5 (10%)

Hematologic diseaseb

48 (10%)

9 (19%)

4 (8%)

5 (10%)


55 (11%)

11 (20%)

8 (14%)

11 (20%)

  1. aOther reported co-morbidities were in descending order; renal disease (n=23), autoimmune disease (n=19), liver disease (n=17), splenectomy (n=4) and HIV (n=3).
  2. bHematologic disease includes hematological malignancies.
  3. cPharmacological immunosuppression was noted if the patient was treated with biological drugs, methotrexate or corticosteroids equivalent to ≥ 10 mg prednisolone.