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Table 2 Analysis of peripheral leukocytes and CSF at the time of diagnosis

From: Clinical features, acute complications, and outcome of Salmonella meningitis in children under one year of age in Taiwan


Cases (N = 24) n (%)

Peripheral blood data


   Total WBC/μl*

12210 (1570-28900)

Segmented WBC/μl*

4760 (527-17138)

Banded WBC/μl*

389 (0-4624)

   Platelet (×104/μl)*

32.7 (7.4-87.5)

CSF data


   Total WBC/μl*

1852 (68-30600)


1490 (65-24480)

   Glucose (mg/L)*

15 (0-69)

   Protein (mg/dl)*

330 (40-740)

   CSF/blood glucose ratio < 0.5

20 (83)

   CSF protein > 200 mg/dl

13 (54)

   Gram stain positive

24 (100)

  1. * Values are presented as median (complete range); WBC, white blood cell; PMNs, polymorphonuclear leukocytes.