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Table 1 Demographic and clinical presentation of the study patients by viral type and subtype.

From: Clinical and socioeconomic impact of different types and subtypes of seasonal influenza viruses in children during influenza seasons 2007/2008 and 2008/2009


Viral findings


Influenza A/H1N1

(n = 143)

Influenza A/H3N2

(n = 519)

Influenza B

(n = 239)


79 (55.2)

312 (60.1)

125 (52.3)

Mean age ± SD, yrs

2.33 ± 1.40*°

4.69 ± 3.07

5.17 ± 3.21

Age groups, No. (%)


   < 2 yrs

39 (27.3)*

22 (4.2)

76 (31.8)*

   2-5 yrs

103 (72.0)*°

491 (94.6)

74 (30.9)*

   > 5 yrs

1 (0.7)°

6 (1.2)

89 (37.2)*

Presence of fever" (%)

109 (76.2)*

452 (87.1)

179 (74.8)*

   High-grade fever° (%)

106 (74.1)*

416 (80.2)

169 (70.7)*

Respiratory tract infection (%)

128 (89.5)

436 (84.0)

205 (85.8)

Upper respiratory tract

Infection (%)

107 (61.5)*

261 (50.3)

164 (68.7)*

Common cold (%)

69 (48.3)*

56 (10.8)

92 (38.5)*

Pharyngitis (%)

33 (23.1)

140 (26.9)

54 (22.5)

Acute otitis media (%)

9 (6.3)

46 (8.9)

14 (5.9)

Croup (%)

4 (2.8)

11 (2.1)

4 (1.7)

Lower respiratory tract

infection (%)

21 (14.6)*

175 (33.7)

41 (17.2)*

Acute bronchitis (%)

24 (16.8)°

83 (15.9)

21 (8.8)*

Wheezing (%)

3 (2.0)*

58 (11.1)

7 (2.9)*

Pneumonia (%)

0 (0.0)*

34 (6.5)

13 (5.4)

Gastroenteritis (%)

5 (3.5)

17 (3.3)

11 (4.6)

Fever without source (%)

6 (4.2)*

52 (10.0)

7 (2.9)*

Febrile seizures (%)

4 (2.7)

14 (2.7)

4 (1.7)

Myositis (%)

0 (0.0)°

0 (0.0)

12 (5.0)

  1. "Defined as an axillary temperature of ≥37.6°C or a rectal temperature of ≥38°C; °defined as an axillary temperature of ≥39°C or a rectal temperature of ≥39.5°C. SD, standard deviation. °p < 0.05 vs influenza B; *p < 0.05 vs A/H3N2; no other statistically significant differences.