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Table 1 Main characteristics of participating patients. Values represent % (n/total) or median (interquartile range [IQR])

From: Thromboelastometry analysis of thrombocytopenic dengue patients: a cross-sectional study



Age, years

32 (21–43)

Gender, male

60.4 (32/53)



73.8 (31/42)


16.7 (7/42)

 HIV infection

2.4 (1/42)

 Prostatic hyperplasia

4.8 (2/42)


2.4 (1/42)

Clinical presentation


100.0 (53/53)


83.0 (44/53)


36.8 (14/38)


25.5 (13/51)

 Bleeding manifestationsb

14.3 (7/49)


11.3 (6/53)

Axillary temperature

37.0 (36.1-37.7)

Systolic blood pressure

127 (115–133)

Diastolic blood pressure

80 (73–86)

Heart rate

93 (82–102)

Serologic diagnosis


96.2 (51/53)


20.8 (11/53)


3.8 (2/53)

Prior DV infectiond

9.8 (5/51)

Yellow Fever vaccinatione

18.9 (7/37)

Days after onset of symptoms

4 (2–5)

Need of hospitalizationf

5.8 (3/52)

  1. HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, NS1 non-structural protein-1, IgM Immunoglobulin M, IgG Immunoglobulin G; a Totals may not sum to 53, owing to missing values; b epistaxis, gingivorrhagia, hematemesis, hematuria and melena; c clinical signs in mucosa and skin assessed by medical attendant; d considered if patient acknowledge a prior diagnosis stated by medical service. e: considered if patient acknowledge as a positive previous vaccination status, f: Unknown in one patient (lost to follow-up)